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Webmaster-Now > keyword > types of sites > e-commerce

E-Commerce web site

E-commerce is the sale of products or services:

  • displayed on a web site
  • bought on the same web site
  • and paid electronically

For certain types of products and services, e-commerce is 100% electronic. The goods are created and delivered electronically. This kind of e-commerce is for:

  • software
  • downloadable music or movie
  • concert or tourism ticket
  • electronic book
  • web site hosting

Learn more about e-commerce

Here is some advice from Webmaster-Now which helps to find the right keyword:

1: The keyword is everything

2: Why am I doing a web site ?

3: Various types of sites

- E-commerce you are here!
- Information / Presentation
- Interactive / Membership
- Personal

4: Your keyword

5: Some examples of keywords


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Webmaster-Now helps webmasters with guides, tips, advice, reviews and tools to develop a sucessful web site
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Version française: Guide-Webmaster, conseils et outils pour la création de site Web