Webmaster Now
Webmaster-Now: guide, advice and tools for webmasters


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The guide to help you launch a succesful web site








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Webmaster-Now > promote a web site > statistics reliability

Statistics reliability

The statistics the hosting provider gives you are not 100% accurate, It is difficult to analyze the real complete activity of a web site because :

- Internet providers use proxy servers to record web pages and distribute them to their computers' network. When the pages are already in the proxy server, the server checks if the pages have changed and if not delivers the pages available in its server without informing the hosting server.

- Internet providers change IP address users every time they connect to the Internet or even each time they request a new page.

- Internet providers have only one IP adress for all – or a part of – their customers. AOL has only one IP address for all AOL users.

- User's computer doesn't accept cookies.

- Several users connect from the same computer. Or a user connect from several computers (at home or from the office) to the same web site.

- Google, Yahoo or MSN robots and spiders, spywares, visit regularly web sites and count in the statistics.

Learn more about statistics:

- Statistics explained

- Web statistics analysis

gives you some advices to manage a web site:

1: Choose the right keyword

2: Know your visitors

3: Optimize for search engines

4: Communicate:
external links - press release - internet partnership - online marketing - offline marketing

5: Buy visitors


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Webmaster-Now helps webmasters with guides, tips, advice, reviews and tools to develop a sucessful web site
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Version française: Guide-Webmaster, conseils et outils pour la création de site Web