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Webmaster-Now > promote a web site > signature = keyword

Signature = Keyword

The keyword is everything.

The keyword should be the grounds of any kind of web site. A webmaster uses always the same message (the keyword) across all his communication to reinforce his specificity and make the search engines know that the keyword is the signature of the web site.

A keyword is a word or a set of words describing what the site or the page is about. So that potential visitors and search engines understand what the site or the page is talking about.

Type of page Keyword
Home page 1 keyword or a combination of words describing the site
Other pages 1 keyword or a combination of words describing the page


The keyword is a message. It is also a signature. The keyword is used across all types of communication such as:

  • Site title (in the search engine submission form)
  • Site title in the <title> tag on the page code
  • In the <description> et <keyword> meta tags
  • In the name of the file: keyword.htm
  • In the page content but with no excess and illogical repetition
  • In the internal links from your web site to the page
  • In the name of the external link to your page
  • And in general, in all communication

Learn more about the right keyword for a web site

Selected tools to find the right keyword

Next page: Know your visitors

gives you some advices to manage a web site:

1: Choose the right keyword

2: Know your visitors

3: Optimize for search engines

4: Communicate:
external links - press release - internet partnership - online marketing - offline marketing

5: Buy visitors


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Version française: Guide-Webmaster, conseils et outils pour la création de site Web