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Webmaster-Now > promote a web site > search engines > external links

External links

An external link is a link from another web site to a page of your web site.

Such as internal links, the number of external links to you site (and/or a page) and the wording of those links have an influence on the search engine ranking.

The number of external links is one of the most important elements of a good ranking. Indeed, search engines consider that the more external links a page receive, the more interesting it should be compare to another page with less external links pointing to it.

Check the number of external links with this popularity tool.

The link wording is increasingly important. Today, it is one of the most important factor used by Google and others to qualitatively rank sites.

Here are wording examples for the same external link:

"another site on the same topic"

"external links and search engine optimization with Webmaster-now"

Which one gives the most qualitative information to search engines ?

The job of the webmaster is to:

- identify potential linkers from other web sites

- contact webmasters

- send a message with wording of the link including your keyword

This way search engines will spider the sites with external links and will understand that the keyword is important.

Don't let webmasters write by themselves the link and its description. Help them. Remain consistent. Always use the same link wording with the same keyword.

Next: Meta tags

gives you some advices to manage a web site:

1: Choose the right keyword

2: Know your visitors

3: Optimize for search engines

4: Communicate:
external links - press release - internet partnership - online marketing - offline marketing

5: Buy visitors


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