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What are people looking for on the web?

Webmasters and online marketing specialists all ask the same question: what is the most popular keyword for their web site?

Some tools give us ideas about what people are looking for on the web:

The most powerful service to really know what the people are looking for on the Web. With the free version, webmasters can have a list of the top 500 keywords and this evaluation. In the paid version, almost everything webmasters want to know about keywords.

Google AdWords
Provide a list of about 100 suggested popular keywords linked to your search query.

Overture/Yahoo keyword selector tool
Give the list of the top 50 most popular keywords within your search query. Also give the number of times a keyword was asked for. Recommended.

Espotting keyword generator
Similar service to Overture. Give the top 50 most popular keywords within your search query in the last month at Espotting.

MetaCrawler Metaspy
Give the last 10 keyword queries asked by Internet users on MetaCrawler, an engine searching other search engines simultaneously for the same keyword.

Google Zeitgeist
A list of the top popular keywords at Google and many other statistics

Yahoo Buzz
The most popular keywords of the week at Yahoo !

Ask Jeeves IQ
The top 10 keywords of the week at Ask Jeeves

Lycos 50
The top 50 keywords of the week at Lycos

gives you some advices to manage a web site:

1: Choose the right keyword

2: Know your visitors

3: Optimize for search engines

4: Communicate:
external links - press release - internet partnership - online marketing - offline marketing

5: Buy visitors


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Webmaster-Now helps webmasters with guides, tips, advice, reviews and tools to develop a sucessful web site
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Version française: Guide-Webmaster, conseils et outils pour la création de site Web