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Webmaster-Now > promote a web site > search engines > content

Content for search engines

The keyword must be visible in the content of the site or the page submitted to search engines.

Search engines only understand text. This is why it is always recommended to use text instead of pictures.

However, there is a way to inform search engines what a picture is about with a caption. The « alt » tag in the html code is where you can put the title of the picture. This is a good occasion to insert a keyword there and to reinforce this keyword on the page.

Search engines have all developed solutions to identify cheaters and usurpers. Repeat the same keyword dozens of time on the same page, put the text in the same color as the background and so make it invisible to our eyes, put illogical navigation are practices search engines fight. Site using these things may be banned.

The challenge is not to be smarter than Google but to understand it and give it what it wants.

Search engines like:

  • At least 50 words of content on the page (without navigation, just content)
  • The keyword found at the beginning of the page
  • The keyword repeated 5 or 7 times on the page (without illogical repetition and excess)
  • A text navigation (but no graphical navigation)
  • Just a few internal links (1 or 2) in the content
  • The keyword in the title

Next: Page title for search engines

gives you some advices to manage a web site:

1: Choose the right keyword

2: Know your visitors

3: Optimize for search engines

4: Communicate:
external links - press release - internet partnership - online marketing - offline marketing

5: Buy visitors


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Version française: Guide-Webmaster, conseils et outils pour la création de site Web