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Webmaster-Now: guide, advice and tools for webmasters


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Webmaster-Now > manage a web site > 10 rules to make a web site look alive

10 rules to make a web site look alive

Inform regularly users give them the perception that the site is well alive !

1: Have a plan to develop new content for the next year or two

2: Publish at least a new page every month

3: Create a news page, manage links to news sites, update each day, week or month

4: Offer users to subscribe to a site alert by email and send them an email each time there is a new page on the site

5: Publish a newsletter regularly with link to the web site

6: Organize a contest

7: Manage a board

8: Put forward on the home page new and updated content

9: Rank most popular pages and products, update frequently

10: Give and update a list of events, exhibitions, meetings, etc

+: Update your information (press release, new people, contract, new product, new clients, etc)


Webmaster-Now gives you some advices to manage a web site:

1: Domain name

2: Hosting services review

3: Earn money on the Internet

4: Why and how can I make a web site looks alive?

5: 10 rules to make a website look alive


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Webmaster-Now helps webmasters with guides, tips, advice, reviews and tools to develop a sucessful web site
© 2003-2010, Webmaster-Now

Version française: Guide-Webmaster, conseils et outils pour la création de site Web